Sunday, February 1, 2009

Out of sight but not out of mind

Yes I'm relaxing comfortably at my new place.
No, I do not miss the moldy lemons...the pan...
or HER. My brain has been in a fog all week.

The new place is great. Not easy living in someone
else's house, but I will adapt. My new landlady is
really nice, although I think she thinks I'm crazy.
I still have no phone or internet until Tuesday,
and she doesn't "GET" that I feel like my life is on
hold until then. I mean, what are my friends doing?
Do they miss me? Did any jobs come in? Did I get
any answers to my resume? How are my babies doing?
I usually talk to my dad every day so this is a long week.

Well, I snuck onto somebody else's computer to
update my blog, just so all you faithful followers
will know that I haven't fallen into a well...just a
hole of no contact with the outside world. But
you just wait until TUESDAY.

You have been warned. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. Y'know, when you have no internet there's this awesome backup system called "the outside". I'm told it's almost realistic in every way.

    Not that I'm given to trying it too often. Wouldn't want to get hooked...
