Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Have not come face to face with her for several days.
This morning she's on the phone with a credit card
company, I think. She spoke sideways towards me and
warned me that Chase Bank is doing illegal things.
First words she's spoken to me in almost a week.
As I went back towards the stairs with soup in hand,
I mumbled something and disappeared.

The pan? Oh yeah the pan. It's now been moved from
the sink counter back onto the stove. This is day......
let me see....DAY 12! I guess she figured out I wasn't
going to wash it and she moved it back. The water she
put it in a week ago should be ripe by now.

The moldy lemons? All I can see is about 8 totally black
lumps inside the plastic grocery bag. They can sit there
forever for all I care. Not touching it.

Thank goodness it's supposed to rain. Everything is
turning brown outside.

BTW, I don't think her friends ever came over for oranges.
I wonder why. Ha.