Thursday, February 12, 2009

No, life has not gotten dull

I never knew dealing with cable companies could be so
much FUN. Even better is when your landlady gets caught
in the mess too! Happy days!
Actually thought that things were working out with my
phone. J (my current landlady) called the cable company
Saturday to find out what was going on, and guess what...
they had no record of the THIRD install appointment I had
made with them and lost like the first two. I even had the new
phone number and a confirmation number and they said the
number made no sense. I sat there doing a slow burn while
she talked to them, then she starts to set up ANOTHER phone
appointment for me. That's when I said Forget it, I am going to
call AT&T and get my own phone. Not doing this again. So now
I have to wait ANOTHER week (which will make it 25 days without
a phone here). At least it's under my control now.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cable companies are brain dead

Gee, I thought my crazy life would settle down after
I moved! Ahaha, the joke's on me.

Still 6 more days until I get my own phone. *sigh*
Even after 6 conversations they had it wrong. So I
get to wait again. But my best friend is Queen of
Complaining to the Cable Company, and thanks to her
tips I have so far wrangled free installation AND a free
month's phone service. If I follow her plan, I expect to
soon have a free DVD upgrade, extra channels AND a
free car wash and wax. Well, maybe not that last one.
Free beer would be good.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things are never simple

Well, at least I have cable TV and internet. But oh boy
did the cable company screw up on the phone.
Somehow instead of a new number for me, they put in
an extension of HER phone in my room.
Even worse, they switched her number from AT&T to
cable...WRONG. She wasn't changing it...she already
had a phone/DSL bundle. Well, not any more. Ack.

So here I sit waiting for the garage door to open so I
can go down and tell her what happened and tell her
that SHE has to call and find out what went wrong.
As far as the cable company is concerned they completed
their (screwed up) work order and left.

Oh boy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Out of sight but not out of mind

Yes I'm relaxing comfortably at my new place.
No, I do not miss the moldy lemons...the pan...
or HER. My brain has been in a fog all week.

The new place is great. Not easy living in someone
else's house, but I will adapt. My new landlady is
really nice, although I think she thinks I'm crazy.
I still have no phone or internet until Tuesday,
and she doesn't "GET" that I feel like my life is on
hold until then. I mean, what are my friends doing?
Do they miss me? Did any jobs come in? Did I get
any answers to my resume? How are my babies doing?
I usually talk to my dad every day so this is a long week.

Well, I snuck onto somebody else's computer to
update my blog, just so all you faithful followers
will know that I haven't fallen into a well...just a
hole of no contact with the outside world. But
you just wait until TUESDAY.

You have been warned. Ha.