Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh yeah, the plumber

In October, a plumber friend of mine unclogged the
kitchen sink here as a favor to me. Took three trips
as there was a big glob of old sponge way down in
the pipe.

He's not too happy I'm being told to leave.
There will be a bill coming in the mail soon. To her.

Let the games begin

I placed a craigslist ad looking for a place to move. It's very
generic. Any bets on HER answering my ad??

She's downstairs with her feet up on the phone talking about
this huge music show she's going to this weekend.

Specifically told me there is no way I am getting out of the

If she's waiting for me to beg, she has a long wait.

This is FUN.

Oh goody, the end is near

As I write this she is writing a 30 day notice for me. YAY!

The only reason she is giving me is that she doesn't want to wait
until my rent is due on the 23rd to see if I will give notice. ?????

I think she's more afraid of the dog getting at me.
It's stronger than she is. Big English bulldog.

I have NEVER received a notice to move my entire life.
My previous landlords will give GLOWING testimony about me.
They didn't want me to go. I have a perfect rental record.

My feeling right now is relief. Ha. I feel sorry for my roomie when I
am gone, he will get the brunt of her griping.

Oh dear......does that mean I have to end this blog when I move???

Oh the smell

Last nite the house smelled funny...went down and there
was the pan of ribs....but the ribs were gone, and in the
DIRTY pan little sausages were sizzling away. Nobody
around. Got my yogurt and RAN back upstairs.

Yesterday I sent her a very nice email telling her that she
probably doesn't realize that her doors wake me up in the
middle of the night. This was before the dog tried to bite me
which resulted in a SECOND email for documentation.

Didn't hear a sound all night. The dog has been snoring in
his crate for over 12 hours.